The New Pieces of Jamaica
Get your copy of David I. Muir and Sean Henry’s Pieces of Jamaica®: Jamrock Edition, the keepsake coffee table book offering a visual narrative of Jamaica's beauty, history, and culture. Celebrate Jamaica 60 with your copy.

Over 200 Photos
The collection will feature photographs of locations, people, activities, attractions, and more from the island that inspire nostalgia and a sense of home, made up of the photo art of David I. Muir, and the photos and fine artwork of Sean Henry.

(What people are saying)
As Jamaica celebrates 60 years of independence, two of her finest photographers, David Muir and Sean Henry, have set out to capture the true essence of our beautiful island. From Jamaica's natural beauty, to our rich cultural heritage, to our diverse cuisine and, most importantly, our beautiful people.
Congratulations on the release of your second book, Pieces of Jamaica®, right on time for Jamaica’s 60th anniversary of independence. The Chin family and VP Records staff are thrilled to be celebrating Jamaica 60 in tandem with you.
David has really captured a lot of what I love about Jamaica in his art… a very real representation of the country I am constantly inspired by.
As David Muir begins to see more widely, deeply, and sharply, he uses his viewfinder to give form to the beauty he captures in his second edition of “Pieces of Jamaica.” The visual experience that this collection of photographs gives, awaken our memories of life in Jamaica land we love, giving it a permanent place on your coffee table.
How appropriate, in this contemplative and celebratory moment, that we should have this commemorative collection of photographic art from David Muir and Sean Henry. These two fine artists' bodies of work dramatically capture the passion and intellect of our people and the beauty of our landscape in unstaged ways which renew our perspective of Jamaica and Jamaican culture.
Sean Henry, a naturalist painter in pursuit of the fabled natural mystic blowing through the air...his canvases are pieces of Jamaica to carry wherever you go, effortlessly evoking time, space and place.
I have witnessed David’s photography evolution — from hobbyist to artist – capturing the character of our island like no other. I’m elated to see a second volume of Pieces of Jamaica® and to see that Sean Henry has joined in the journey. The scenes I grew up seeing while living in Jamaica during my childhood are portrayed perfectly. Pieces of Jamaica® is here for us to treasure today yet leaves a legacy for tomorrow — a legacy for all of the sons and daughters of Jamaica.
I regard the opportunity to endorse David I. Muir’s Pieces of Jamaica® 60 as a distinct honour. Indeed, I recall as then Consul-General of Jamaica at Miami, the beginning of this wonderful exemplar of culture captured in photography in 2012 to fittingly mark Jamaica 50. David was earnest, visionary and absolutely confident that he had begun a legacy project. He has been proven right, and it is my absolute pleasure to join in heartiest congratulations and admiration of his creativity.
Coming at the time of Jamaica’s 60th, it enriches the symbiotic relationship between Jamaica and her artists. Pieces of Jamaica® underline our country as our Muse, the source of our distinction in the world.
With Pieces of Jamaica®, David and Sean have really delivered a taste of Jamaica — a true cross-section of the island and its culture. Perfect timing for the 60th anniversary of our independence.
This gives me great pleasure to compliment two Jamaican stalwarts — Sean Henry, painter and photographer and David Muir, photographer — in the publication of their coffee table book, as we celebrate our 60th anniversary. You are a testament to the fact that we can dream dreams and make them happen.
Pieces of Jamaica® exemplifies our struggles, triumphs, and goodwill. We are extremely grateful to David and Sean for highlighting our story… the story of Jamaica through their God-given eyes.
To experience David I. Muir's photography is to enter a world of deep feeling, texture, and emotion…You want to laugh with them, touch their muscles, and dance in the spaces revealed. David's work is magical!!
Oh, what a piece a niceness! This is a timely and tantalizing treasure. These photo-artists seduce eyes and serenade souls with energetic, enthralling sceneries that capture the visions, vibrations and vitality of the people, places and passions of their island. This here is the soul of Jamaica, the whole of Jamaica, and all the pieces are priceless.
Jamaica is at a turning point in our history and culture. We continue to be a force of change on the world stage, and this type of collection will only help to tell our story in a bigger and better way.